KBS focuses on ‘association murder’…

2024-08-27 18:11:06

‘Current Affairs Planning Window’ and ‘60 Minutes Tracking’ broadcast

These two programs analyze the structural problems that lead to violence and murder between lovers, examine blind spots and legal loopholes in victim protection, and seek social and legal measures to resolve them.

conducted interviews with victims of dating murders and their bereaved families and looked into how violence that occurs in dating relationships leads to fatal crimes through analysis by experts.

The police also analyzed all murder and attempted murder cases for the first time in 2023 and officially compiled statistics showing that one in four cases occurred against a former spouse, lover, or 'intimate partner' in a common-law relationship.

Tracking 60 Minutes' 'Decision to Break Up, Afterwards - 2024 Relationship Murder Report' examines the aspects and measures of 'Mother Relationship Murder' taking place in 2024 through analysis of specific 'Marriage Murder' cases, including victims, survivors, and perpetrators.


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