[SBS The Girls Who Hit the Goals] FC Streaming Fighter ranked 1st in Group B!

2024-08-29 04:41:05

‘Strategy Genius’ Director Park Joo-ho, strategy without giving up an inch

This match is between FC Streaming Fighters, who ranked 1st in Group B of the Super League and are in a safe position to advance to the semifinals, and FC Top Girl, who are on the brink of 3rd place.

As Streaming Fighter is confirmed to advance to the semifinals unless they lose by more than 4 points in today's game, they are in the most advantageous situation compared to Top Girl and Fire Butterfly in Group B. Will Streaming Fighter be the runner-up team in the last Super League and the '2nd SBS Cup'? As the winning team of the competition, attention is focused on whether they will be able to reach the semifinals without any upsets.

Streaming Fighter, who achieved victory in the last Bullna Vision match with multi-position tactics, plans to cause confusion in the opposing team's Top Girl with an irregular position in this match as well.

In response to European-style soccer expert Park Joo-ho's order to change positions, captain Il Joo-teo burst into laughter with the members, saying, "To be honest, we're confused too, but Top Girl must be so confused." Through this broadcast, we can see whether European-style tactics can work once again.


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