[SBS My Perfect Secretary] Perfect viewing guide!

2024-12-30 16:11:04

Han Ji-min and Lee Jun-hyuk's close care romance will be previewed on the 29th (Sunday) at 10:55 am!

The meeting of Han Ji-min and Lee Jun-hyuk, a winning romance combination, raised expectations among prospective viewers for a perfect romance.

Thanks to this, 'My Perfect Secretary - Perfect Viewing Guide' will be broadcast, allowing you to preview the main episode.

In this broadcast, actor Go Geon-han, who plays the role of 'Lee Kwang-hee', a new consultant in his first year at 'People', will participate in the narration and introduce a complete viewing guide for 'My Perfect Secretary'.

“You can enjoy the live broadcast even more if you look at the perfect viewing guide, so don’t miss it.”


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