Kim Jae-wook reveals an unexpected love story on ''I got separated from a transfer after a week'' Narae-sik'

2024-12-11 23:41:03

Kim Jae-wook's honest charm stood out on Park Na-rae's cheerful talk show 'Naraesik'.

On this day's broadcast, Kim Jae-wook caught the attention of viewers by revealing an unexpected love story in response to Park Na-rae's surprise question.

When Park Na-rae asked, “Have you never confessed and been rejected?” Kim Jae-wook said, “I once got dumped after exactly a week.

When asked about Kim Jae-wook's dating style, Park Na-rae sympathized with Kim Jae-wook's concern that "being nice to someone doesn't really lead to good results in dating," and said, "You should have met a comedian.


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