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2024-12-12 16:11:05

Homes] Kim Dae-ho

This week, part 2 of the 'Local Landlord-Gangneung Edition', which includes a trip to the eight provinces of the country with local natives, was aired last week with Kim Sook and Gangneung native Jeongsoo Yoon airing the Gangneung forestry trip.

Kim Dae-ho, who arrived in Mongolia, the country of Genghis Khan and where great nature is alive, said, “After traveling through the five senses in the eight provinces of Korea, I finally went on an overseas field trip.

“It says.

Just as Kim Dae-ho said that you can see Mongolia in detail like an MRI, you can discover the changing appearance of Mongolia at the open observatory.

Kim Dae-ho, who discovered the familiar Korean urban apartment scene in a row of high-rise apartments, said, “Korean construction companies participated in the construction of apartments.

"He explained that Mongolian people also call this place 'Mongtan New City', attracting attention.


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