Lee Se-young reveals her life without a bra after confessing to side effects from breast augmentation…

2024-12-12 20:41:03

"Cap tank top highly recommended"

Comedian Lee Se-young revealed the hardships she experienced due to the side effects of breast augmentation surgery and her current state of living without a bra.

On the 10th, through the YouTube channel 'Yeongpyeong TV', Lee Se-young introduced items for living without a bra and honestly confessed the difficulties she experienced due to side effects.

Lee Se-young said, "After undergoing surgery due to the side effects of breast augmentation, I received a lot of concern and support from those around me," and added, "I am currently recovering while wearing no bra."

He continued, “When I wear a bra, I feel uncomfortable with digestion and feel stuffy, so I started to prefer going braless,” and added, “Especially after the surgery, I consistently wear a cap tank top to minimize irritation.”


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