Musician Sang Yoon meets the creative Korean traditional music group ‘Creative Artist Today’…

2024-12-20 20:41:03

Youth Chapter 1 airs on EBS1 on December 21st at 2:10 PM

Leader Kim Seong-eun expressed her wish, saying, “I would like to hear advice on popularity from a senior with a diverse spectrum of music, including dance, ballad, and Korean traditional music.”

A surprise full of laughter and emotion, and a special scene that highlights the efforts and friendship of the four members who ran more passionately than anyone else for the broadcast debut showcase, will also be revealed on the broadcast.

On the day of the showcase, today's family and acquaintances, as well as audiences interested in creative Korean traditional music, visited the concert hall to watch the performance.

The members not only played and sang, but also showed facial expressions based on the sorrow and joy contained in each lyric, heating up the atmosphere of the showcase and receiving a great response by giving deep emotion and lingering emotions to the audience.

Lastly, when asked about her feelings after finishing the showcase, leader Kim Seong-eun expressed her joy at making her long-awaited public broadcast debut, and Yang Hye-won and Kim Tae-hyun also expressed their honest feelings while performing on stage.

'Today's' showcase, which became an important first step in promoting their original music to the public, will be held on 'Youth Chapter 1 - Maybe Our Story', which will be broadcast on EBS 1TV at 2:10 pm on Saturday, December 21st.

You can check it here.


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