Kim Tae-ri, while awarding the ‘SBS Drama Awards’, “This year’s MBC…

2024-12-22 15:41:03

” Surprising mistake!

Lee Je-hoon's sensible response brings laughter

Actress Kim Tae-ri went on stage as an award presenter for the '2024 SBS Drama Awards' and made a surprising mistake, but it ended on a warm note thanks to the witty response of Lee Je-hoon, who also presented the award.

Kim Tae-ri and Lee Je-hoon, who jointly won the grand prize last year at the '2024 SBS Drama Awards' held on the 21st, appeared on stage together as presenters this year.

Afterwards, Kim Tae-ri recalled winning the grand prize last year and said, “I enjoyed the stage comfortably and happily with the director and actors I worked with.

Although it was a small incident that occurred during a live broadcast, Kim Tae-ri's honest appearance and Lee Je-hoon's sensible response are said to have made the awards ceremony a richer and more humane atmosphere.


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