Cosmosi enters the global girl group market...

2025-01-01 01:41:03

Debut single ‘zigy=zigy’ released

In particular, the music video for 'zigy=zigy' boasts gorgeous visual beauty with the participation of crews who produced music videos for representative K-pop girl groups such as Blackpink, Aespa, and Le Seraphim.

The members' personalities and growth stories set in a different world are vividly expressed, adding to visual enjoyment.

In addition, Creative Director Sinxity, who was in charge of Blackpink's debut to the 'As If It's Your Last' project, took charge of overall production from music to concept, raising expectations.

The agency said, "The schedule of label partners and music digital service related to the global debut will be announced soon," and expressed its ambition, "We will present new charms to K-pop fans around the world."


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