Go Kyung-pyo's side, 'Tough response to malicious rumors of 19-year-old photo shoot at unmanned photo studio...'

2025-01-07 22:41:04

“Legal action without leniency”

Actor Go Kyung-pyo is taking strong legal action against malicious rumors spread online.

Go Kyung-pyo's agency, CL&Company, announced strong legal action in an official statement on the 7th, saying, "Recently, false facts related to Go Kyung-pyo have been indiscriminately spread and reproduced online and on social media."

The agency said, "This is an act that seriously damages the artist's honor and personality, and through continuous monitoring, we will take strong legal action against malicious slander and the spread of false information."

Recently, the false rumor that Go Kyung-pyo engaged in inappropriate behavior at the Life Four Cut booth in Seomyeon, Busan has spread rapidly through online communities.


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