Ive Jang Won-young reveals the secret behind the birth of 'Lucky Vicky' on 'You Quiz' "I have had a positive mind since I was young."
2025-01-16 19:41:05
In 'You Quiz on the Block', which aired on the 15th, Jang Won-young explained in detail how 'Lucky Vicky' was created.
Jang Won-young explained about 'Lucky Vicky', "It's not just about thinking positive thoughts, but also finding positive aspects and being grateful even in difficult situations."
He revealed the secret to his positive mind, saying, “I have lived with a positive mind since I was young, and I think that’s why I was able to overcome difficult situations well.”
On this day's broadcast, Jang Won-young received a great response from viewers by sharing various stories other than 'Lucky Vicky'.