[SBS League of Legends] Ansan-Im Si-hyeon-Choi Mi-seon-Nam Soo-hyun, ‘active four cuts’ with a twist revealed

2025-01-17 12:11:05

The 'active four cuts' released on various SNS platforms attract attention as they contain images of the 'four active archers' who are leading the archery world in Korea: Ansan, Im Si-hyun, Choi Mi-seon, and Nam Su-hyun.

The appearance of the four people, who are not the charismatic 'Gookdae' who boasts the world's best archery skills, but also show V and ball hearts as well as bear poses, presents an unexpected and unexpected charm.

Meanwhile, the SBS New Year's Day special 'League of Legends' featuring the 'four active archers' is a sports entertainment show that depicts the timeless competition of Korean archery legends.

Everyone goes out to reveal the ‘legend of legends.’

The SBS Lunar New Year special 'League of Legends', which will record the timeless competition of Korea's archery legends, will be broadcast during the Lunar New Year holiday.


→ MoaPic!