Do Dae-yoon returns to the stage after 15 years through ‘Undercover’…

2025-01-18 23:41:03

Confession of past admission to a psychiatric hospital

Although he was clearly nervous as it was his first time on stage in a long time, he received rave reviews from the judges for his outstanding singing ability.

Also, on this day's broadcast, singer Jeon Geon-ho appeared and performed a cover of his hit song 'When You Call My Name Affectionately.'

Jeon Geon-ho surprised the judges with his outstanding singing ability, but judge Jeong Jae-hyung said, "The singing skills are like acrobatics.

'Undercover', where you can see the stages of various musical talents along with Do Dae-yoon's courageous challenge, is broadcast every Sunday at 7:40 pm on ENA.


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