[SBS Running Man] Daniel Choi “I’m sorry, I can’t stand it…” The reason why he threw whipped cream bombs at his partner Jeon So-min

2025-01-20 11:41:07

Daniel Choi “I’m sorry, I can’t stand it.

.." The reason why I threw a whipped cream bomb at my partner Jeon So-min.

This quiz is a 'Team Kill Quiz' where you have to hold up a weighted exercise equipment and shout out the correct answer, so if you continue to give wrong answers and are unable to withstand the weight, you will manually fire whipped cream bombs at your teammate.

It is said that as the quiz continued, the team members were unintentionally covered in whipped cream due to their arms shaking like aspen trees and the limitations of their brains, and many comical scenes were captured, turning the scene into a sea of ​​laughter.

Meanwhile, on this day's broadcast, Ji Ye-eun and Jeon So-min, the new and old youngest members of 'Running Man', created a subtle atmosphere with 'Monday Some Man' Yang Se-chan and made people laugh.


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