MBC [PD Notebook] ‘The Generals of Yongsan – Armed with guns for the people’

2025-01-20 21:11:08

President Yoon Seok-yeol, who is known to have had no connection with the military, how was he able to plan a coup using the military?

Officials speculate that the then-Chief of Security Kim Yong-hyun's influence was behind the appointment, and it is unclear why the President and Chief of Security Kim Yong-hyun appointed the generals to those positions, the background of the secret military personnel, and their interpretation of the role of each unit in the coup process.

I put it out.

As analyzed by officials, was the December 3rd coup really a ‘planned military coup’ prepared two years in advance?

However, in reality, when President Yoon faced crises in his administration, such as 'the suspicion of First Lady Kim Kun-hee's participation in the stock price manipulation of Deutsche Motors', the '10.29 Itaewon disaster', 'the death of the late Chae Sang-byeong', and 'Myeong Tae-gyun Gate', he secretly contacted former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun and the coup leaders.

Testimonies that he met with people and discussed 'emergency powers' are being revealed through the prosecution's investigation records.


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