‘Tyrant’s Chef’ reveals brilliant cast including Lim Yoon-ah and Lee Chae-min…

2025-01-24 23:41:04

First broadcast in the second half of 2025

Yeon Ji-young, who has a strong and cheerful personality, prepares fusion royal cuisine for Joseon's greatest tyrant, Lee Heon, and unfolds an unexpected story of career change and survival.

Lee Heon is a tyrant with an absolute sense of taste who can sense changes in the taste of food depending on the weather. After accidentally encountering Yeon Ji-young's food, he invites her to the palace.

She is expected to be at the center of the palace's secret struggle, bringing tension to the relationship between Yeon Ji-young and Lee Heon.

It is expected to present a variety of attractions, including a feast of fusion food, sweet and bloody romance, and a fierce power struggle in the palace.


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