Kim Dae-hee and Shin Bong-seon become a hot topic with their divorce announcement video...but fake news controversy

2025-01-25 03:11:03

Comedian Kim Dae-hee drew a lot of attention by releasing a video announcing his divorce from Shin Bong-seon through the YouTube channel 'Kkondae-hee'.

In a video posted on the 'Kkondaehee' channel on the 22nd, Kim Dae-hee and Shin Bong-seon summoned a divorce lawyer to provide divorce counseling.

The two people surprised viewers with an appearance reminiscent of a real divorce situation, criticizing each other and claiming reasons for divorce.

However, it was confirmed that this was part of the comedy content the two were showing through the 'Kkondaehee' channel and that it was not an actual divorce.


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