'Solo Hell 3', a more bold romance war between solos begins

2023-12-14 05:11:03

In episodes 1 to 3, which were released on the 12th, the romance line of the solos was drawn in earnest, from the first meeting to the secret vote for the trip to heaven and the secret vote for the second trip to heaven.

First, in the first secret ballot for the trip to heaven, Choi Hye-sun, Ahn Min-young, Lee Kwan-hee, and Lee Jin-seok succeeded in matching as a couple.

In another hell island, a secret vote to heaven was held at the same time as the first meeting, and Yoon Ha-jung and Park Min-gyu succeeded in matching as a couple.

In particular, Ha-jung Youn captured Lee Kwan-hee's heart with her childish yet exciting Tiki-Taka, and succeeded in matching the couple in the second secret ballot for the trip to heaven.


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