Kim Jun-ho

2023-12-14 09:11:03

Accordingly, brothers Eunwoo, 25 months old, and Jeongwoo, 7 months old, make the party special by making everything from desserts to the tree with their father.

Sambuja creates the one-of-a-kind ‘Strawberry Ornament Tree’ for Eun-woo, who looks for strawberries both when she is happy and when she is sad.

However, when his father Kim Jun-ho says, "There are no strawberry decorations anymore," he clings to his aunts and uncles to get strawberry cookies, making Kim Jun-ho burst into laughter.

The full story of Kim Jun-ho, Eun-woo, and Jung-woo's colorful pre-Christmas party can be seen on 'Shoodol' at 8:30 pm on the 12th (Tuesday).


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