MBC <True Story Exploration> A man with tens of billions of assets and his adoptive daughter

2023-12-14 12:41:08

It is even claimed that circumstances were discovered where the father and Mr. Kang (pseudonym) crossed the line between father and daughter.

Minyoung (pseudonym), who was desperate for help, after much deliberation, reported Choi (pseudonym) to the police drug crime investigation unit.

After hearing her story, the drug crime investigation unit reportedly promised to investigate not only Choi (pseudonym)'s illegal drug trafficking but also sex crimes.

At the same time, he handed her a 'note' asking her to 'cooperate' for the investigation. The note contained information about Mr. Choi (pseudonym), including the exact address of the field where the marijuana distributed by Mr. Choi (pseudonym) was grown, the specific transaction location, and eyewitness statements. ) It is said that the information necessary for arrest was written down in detail as if it were a police report.

She suddenly went from being a victim of a sex crime to becoming an informant in a drug investigation. It is said that she had no choice but to continue the relationship even though they had already broken up, taking risks to relay information on Choi (pseudonym)'s drug dealing.


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