[SBS Goal Hitters] ‘Actionista’ beats ‘World Class’ and advances to the Super League semifinals…

2024-07-19 18:41:04

2049 1st place overall!

Before the game, 'World Class' coach Kim Byeong-ji taught the offensive keeper strategy of actively using goalkeeper Casey in attacks.

In particular, 'Actionista' continued to bombard the team with shots thanks to the combination play of Jeong Hye-in and Park Ji-an, while 'World Class' protected the goal with a save from Kesey.

In the 8th minute of the second half, Park Jian scored an additional goal with a perfect solo play, and in the 10th minute of the second half, 'Actionista' Lee Hye-jeong gave up a PK goal due to a handball foul by Kessie.

Just before the end of the game, Kesey made an impressive debut goal in 729 days with a tenacious comeback goal, and coach Kim Byeong-ji praised Kesey, saying, "You are a goalkeeper who scores goals."


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