Jeong Seon-hee confesses her feelings after the death of the late Ahn Jae-hwan...

2024-09-13 10:41:03

“I was tormented by guilt.”

On the 10th, comedian Jeong Seon-hee honestly confessed her feelings after leaving the late Ahn Jae-hwan through the YouTube channel 'Let's Listen'.

She then confessed, "When I heard the news of her husband's extreme choice, I denied reality and suffered from guilt," and "I was overcome with self-reproach because I could not provide the money and treat her better."

She especially expressed her regrets about why she did not report her husband missing, saying, "She was concerned about the damage to her celebrity image, and was a lighthearted attempt to hide her husband's business problems."

Through this video, Jeong Seon-hee honestly confessed the pain and guilt she experienced after leaving the deceased, and she conveyed comfort and empathy to many people.


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