Docs World Diesel Gypsies Climb the Widest Continental Journey ...

2020-02-07 15:11:14

The documentary world unveils the journey of YouTuber Diesel Gypsy.

In North America, there are long-distance truckers carrying cargo between Canada and the United States.

It is called a 'triangler' because of the large triangles of copper that travel west from Canada and photograph the southern United States, and then diagonally across the United States to eastern Canada.

The faceless Youtube Diesel Gypsy introduces everyday life on the road with a spare Busan dialect.

The annual distance of 250,000km, the last 14 years, is 3.5 millionkm.

KBS1 'The Docu World' accompanies Choi Chang-ki's expansive transcontinental journey that has overcome the hardships and loneliness of life on an endless road.

■ Faceless Trucker Youtube Meets Diesel Gypsy

Youtube Diesel Gypsy is a triangle trucker traveling between Canada and the United States.

His video is mainly on North American highways.

Endless roads, expansive scenery and small daily life of North American truckers are supported by 50,000 subscribers.

The yellow heavy truck `` Stone '', reminiscent of the old Busan dialect and the film transformer, is a trademark of diesel gypsy.

The faceless Youtube Diesel Gypsy is Choi Chang-ki, who has entered Canada for 15 years.

■ Highway life of diesel gypsy

Diesel gypsy Choi Chang-gi spends more than 15 days on the road and on the truck once he has set out on a journey.

Winter is a particularly dangerous season for North American truckers who must cross the rugged Rocky Mountains.

Heavy trucks are often overturned by heavy snow and strong winds, and highways are often closed due to bad weather.

However, as soon as it crosses the Rocky Mountains and crosses the US border, the season turns into spring.

His car, which runs through the four seasons for more than twice the Canadian-US border, has all four seasons.

Meals, sleep, and YouTube video editing are all solved in the car, and for a year, Choi Chang-ki, who runs on the continent for more than 10 months, is the house and the road is life.

■ Finding Freedom in the North American Continent

He runs about 12,000 kilometers in a full distance and 250,000 kilometers a year. He translates the Nubin distance in the last 14 years, reaching about 3.5 million kilometers and four and a half rounds the earth and moon.

Mr. Chang-ki has no stress, even though his daily routine of running 11 hours a day on an endless road is lonely.

Twenty years ago, after a stroke from business stress, he had a sequela of the right facial paralysis.

Failing to catch the eyes of people with facial disabilities, he built a wall with the world 14 years ago, becoming a trucker to Canada and traveling across North America, and finally regaining his freedom by crossing the continents, which do not see his looks unfamiliar.

■ Pride of Diesel Gypsy

Logistics transportation in North America is over 80% of the trucks.

Therefore, the transport regulations for the safe operation of truckers are strict, and truckers' pride and responsibility are also strong.

The biggest enemy of loneliness for a trucker who has to live alone in a full truck for more than 24 hours a day on a single journey.

However, Choi Chang-ki started broadcasting for 1 person last year and gained more than 50,000 subscribers.

The beautiful scenery and rare natural phenomena of the continent give healing to subscribers, and the 14-year North American trucker's trucking life provides indirect experience opportunities and information for those who want to become truckers.

In addition, Korean truckers in North America appease the loneliness on the road by listening to the diesel gypsies.

On the other hand, the documentary, which reveals the life journey of diesel gypsy, who runs through his painful past on an endless road through North America, is broadcasted at 11:40 on the 7th, and singer Choi Baek-ho plays the narration.