Korea Volunteer Center Association held the 16th National Volunteer Center Conference in Chungnam

2019-10-25 14:11:28

Over 630 Sea National Volunteer Centers, brought together by 1.25 million volunteers, gathered in Chungcheongnam-do again in the 16th National Volunteer Center Conference in 2019.

Let's go together ”was held at Splice Resom Grand Ballroom on October 24-25.

The competition was held to strengthen solidarity and mutual encouragement of 246 volunteer centers and 1,600 managers nationwide, hosted by the Korea Volunteer Center Association (Chairman Ahn Seung-hwa), sponsored by the Chungcheongnam-do Volunteer Center, and sponsored by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and Chungcheongnam-do.

This year's event was a time to examine the spirit and voluntary civic activities of the 3.1 Movement through the special lecture on the history of the volunteer movement (Instructor: Professor Kim Wol-bae, Harbin University of Technology).

In addition, special lectures were conducted to `` see our ethics and human rights susceptibility '' to raise ethical awareness and human rights sensitivity of volunteer center managers who create a healthy volunteer environment.

To encourage the efforts of volunteer center practitioners, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security received a commendation from the Minister of Public Administration and Security, the President of the Korea Volunteer Center Association, the long-term service merit plaque, and the retirement merit plaque.

This year, the Presidential Citation and Prime Minister's Awards were also given to 14 volunteer centers, including the Seoul Volunteer Center, which actively supported the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and Paralympic Volunteer Activities.

On the other hand, through the presentation of the training report of the volunteer center manager's short essay contest applicants' overseas training (Berlin, Germany) and the volunteer center manager's innovation leader overseas training (Seattle, USA), we shared the implications that can be utilized at the volunteer site of Korea.

I had time to.

Kim Geo-sung, President of the President's Secretariat, said, “I believe that the power of volunteering is more shining in the face of disasters and disasters. Volunteer center managers are passionately responsible and fulfill the basic spirit of public-private cooperation.

It has been playing a pivotal role in establishing service activities as a culture.

I would like to thank my managers for their commitment to volunteering. ”

Yang Seung-jo, Chungnam Governor, said, “There are many people who need warm help in the midst of internal and external environmental changes.

However, what they need is not only a large amount of material help but also a genuine approach to service. “Therefore, I will spare no support for volunteering with pride and pride in a more comfortable environment in Chungcheongnam-do.”

He promised interest and support for volunteers.

Ahn Seung-hwa, Chairman of the Korea Volunteer Center Association, said, “As society changes rapidly and becomes more complex, the problems that we have to solve are no longer answered by our own capacity.”

It is important for the areas and centers to cooperate as partners in the agreement and to create fertile soil where they can realize and establish the importance of solidarity and cooperation. ”

The Minister of Public Administration and Security Jin Young said, “This year was a year of overcoming the difficulties of our society with the help of volunteerism and spreading the volunteer culture.

It was possible because volunteers and volunteer centers were generously supporting the wildfires and typhoons in Gangwon-do and the Gwangju World Swimming Championships held in July. ”The Ministry of Public Administration and Security has grown and developed the volunteer centers nationwide.

We will continue to support and support our volunteers in order to activate and serve as volunteers. ”

Inquiries regarding volunteers should be directed to your local Volunteer Center or Korea Volunteer Center Association.

The Korea Volunteer Centers Association has developed information exchange and cooperation system among 246 volunteer centers nationwide to spread the fundamental value of volunteers across the society and to support and foster volunteer activities more effectively.

It is a central organization for building a volunteer infrastructure that contributes to the promotion of public interest.