K-pop's first non-classic baritone artist named BTS!

2019-10-23 13:12:02

BTS V became the first Korean artist to appear on Wikipedia's 'non-classic baritone list'.

Baritone generally refers to artists with the G2-G4 range, but the darker tone than tenor is also an important point, but V has been praised by leading foreign and critics for its unique soulful tone and broad range.

Billboard said that expressive vocals with a wide range and deep voices play a pivotal role in the BTS sound, and V's vocals play a central role in group sound.

Soothing V's bass is a key element of the overall BTS sound, ”said V's vocals.

The Global Media Business Times reported V's 'non-classic baritone list' in detail and commented that V had a vocal skill that easily crossed the baritons and high-pitched areas in the range of 3 octaves.

In the article "K-Pop is Baritone Prejudiced," K-Pop songs for male singers on K-Pop have a much higher range than most Western artists,

It made it difficult to find vocals.

The media also said, “When I first heard BTS music, I was attracted to V's special and unique voice.

V's excellent voice is clearly distinguished from the group's songs and despite his excellent voice, he is surprised that he is not the main vocal.

The most unique thing is that he has a deep and low tone baritone that is not found in K-pop, but it also easily handles the high range of the group in a wide range. ”

V's vocals, praised by British music journal “Readdork” as “a silky, deep, soulful vocal and a wide range of solos,” proved its worth in solo songs.

Fans' expectations are growing in the musical growth of V, which adds depth and charm to the music of BTS with a wide range from low to high and deep and soulful vocals.

On the other hand, BTS will hold a final concert at the main stadium of Jamsil Stadium for a total of three days from the 26th to the 29th.