'Secure App' 24-hour Body Camping Emergency Reporting Center, responds to phishing crimes in real time…

2019-10-21 22:31:11

Victim relief

Cyber ​​crimes are often considered to be advanced crimes, but when viewed as “terrorist” crimes that require advanced hacking skills and “general forms” that can be committed by the general public, the general cyber crimes are higher.

In the online game, the act of cheating others and taking insults by using abusive language can be regarded as cyber crimes, and acting on celebrities can also be regarded as cyber crimes.  

Cyber ​​crimes are increasing day by day because of the uniqueness of crimes that are committed on the Internet and that there is no way of knowing the other person and commits crimes based on trust.  

In particular, among the cyber crimes, financial-related damages have increased significantly, and attackers (blackmailers) groups are increasingly organized with systematic specialization along with the specificity of crimes that are difficult to investigate and crack down.  

Cybercriminal crimes can also be called “phishing” crimes, such as voice phishing, smishing, and body phishing.

All of these are blackmail and intimidating crimes aimed at extortion.

Body camping, in particular, has suffered considerable damage in recent years, a 10-fold increase.  

Victims who do not deposit money due to body camping spread their pornographic images all over the internet as well as all acquaintances.


That's why it's important to take action immediately if you've been threatened with body cams. Recently, security companies often provide technology to block phishing crimes, block distribution channels and recover hacked mobile phone data.

It is possible to solve the case through the help of them.  

At present, the mobile security company, Secure App, operates a 24-hour free emergency consultation center, and is taking the lead in relieving phishing victims through the provision of Secure Block diffusion solution.  

Secure App will accurately detect crime patterns and provide appropriate blocking solutions.

Since then, the company has collected the victim's video from the criminal and blocked the case where it could spread to secondary and tertiary damage through 24-hour monitoring service.  

In addition, it blocks the route itself that the image can be disseminated and responds perfectly to the variables.

Currently, Secure App is providing 24/7 blocking solutions for victims 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  

An official from the secure app security team said, "If you have been body phishing, you should not respond to phishing threats, but should notify security companies and the police more quickly."

It's important to choose a company that has solutions and technology. ”  

Secure App, a mobile security company, strives to minimize damages to victims, and has established itself as one of the first-generation security companies with its unique technology, analysis ability, and crime pattern analysis.  

In addition, Secure App provides mobile security services such as mobile malicious app analysis, mobile diagnosis and recovery, and cyber crime collection & blocking.