Mugwort blood tea, which was also introduced in Dongbogam, detoxifies blood and liver toxins ... Efficacy and how to make it!

2019-10-20 11:11:24

Recently, many toxins such as fine dust, heavy metals, and environmental hormones endanger the health of modern people.

Rising in real time query.

Recently, the channel A 'I'm the body' introduced a tea that is good for blood circulation and how to make a mugwort blood car to empty the toxins in the body.

On that day, Dr. Sun Jae Kwang showed the process of making mugwort blood tea in the studio.

Add 5g of dried mugwort, donkey, and dried ginger to the soup pack, then add 3g of cinnamon, add 600cc of water to the pot, and boil it.

Dr. Sun Jae-kwang explained, "This is the best recipe for mugwort blood tea that clears blood."

"The donkey removes toxins in the blood, and cinnamon and dried thoughts help blood circulation and reduce fat."

"Can I add honey," Dr. Sun said.

"You can use it two or three times without throwing away the pack you wrote once," he said.

Experiments were conducted in the studio to confirm the efficacy of mugwort.

General water and mugwort We dipped a bowl of pork oil with water.

Unlike no reaction in ordinary water, we have surprised everyone by breaking down fat in water.

Photo Channel A Screen Capture