“Initial AIDS Symptoms and Methods of Diagnosis.” In rare cases, doctors and nurses

2019-10-20 02:31:18

The incubation period for the early symptoms of HIV, human immunodeficiency virus, is reported to be about 2-4 weeks.

If you are infected with HIV, you will have 50-70% of your initial symptoms and go away on their own.

On the other hand, it is presumed that many people do not feel the initial symptoms and suffer only asymptomatic or mild symptoms.

Transmission by sexual contact is the highest, accounting for over 70% of patients.

The second is infections through blood and blood products, mainly due to blood transfusions, joint use of needles, and organ transplants.

Rarely, doctors and nurses become infected while dealing with AIDS patients.

Therapeutic drugs are not yet available, and currently used drugs have the effect of alleviating the symptoms of AIDS patients and viral infections, slowing the transition to AIDS, or prolonging their survival.

Early symptoms are especially important when it comes to AIDS.

Different people have different immunity, so not everyone gets worse at the same rate.

In a few cases, even the most severe situation may not have any symptoms before the meat.

In general, less than 50% of people with AIDS have flu-like symptoms for several weeks.

In addition, the lymph glands distributed in the groin, armpits, neck, etc. are also enlarged.