Recruit new member Kun-hee Eun-ju!

2019-10-18 02:31:12

Sunny Hill

VOICE Entertainment said Monday, "Sunny Hill will announce a new single," Nom Nom Nom, "on the 22nd.

Sunny Hill, which has been active for about 12 years since its debut in 2007, has been fully prepared for the release of the new song.

The new members Kun Hee and Eun Jo have been recruited to make the team more solid and ready for a new leap after long practice and hard work.

'Nomnomnom' is a dance genre that is highly addictive.

Sophisticated atmosphere and a special message melted into the intense colors of Sunny Hill.

I was excited because it is a work that can express the freshness of the existing members Glow, Kota, and the new members Eunju and Kun-hee.