Pye Ye Jin has been a clay spoon since her birth?

2019-10-17 11:11:13


SBS 'VIP', which is scheduled to be broadcast on the 28th, is a secret private office melodrama of the VIP team who manages department stores' top 1% VIP customers.

Pyo Ye-jin played the role of the all-in-one lumen of the lumen with the instinct of survival in order to endure his life as a soil spoon from birth.

Onyuri is a character who tries to overcome various obstacles to seize the first opportunity to come to life history.

As a new secretary of Vice Chairman (Park Seo-joon) in 'Why Kim is so?'

In this regard, the film was captured, with the head tied up in a white shirt and a black suit with a new recruit look.

The scene where Onyuri first visited the office as a dedicated VIP team in the Nebula Department Store's Tasting Corner contract.

On-yuri, who is dressed in a neat interview with a new employee, enters into the conference room, holding her hands firmly under tension and causing a pupil earthquake.

Onyuri, which has received attention from the company for its exceptional personnel movement, is drawing attention to what kind of activities it will play in the VIP team.

After finishing the shoot, Pyo Ye Jin said, “I wanted to do it as soon as I saw the script.

I think it's a great luck to be together.

I've been challenging myself because it's a character that I haven't tried before, and I'm working on it with anticipation and tension because I can show you a new face. ”

Happy shooting.

I hope you will watch with a lot of interest. ”