BTS Jimin fans, an example of idol fandom as a group blood donation relay every year!

2019-10-16 17:31:12

On the birthday of BTS member Jimin's birthday, Ami (BTS fan club) unveiled the 'Blood Donation Relay' and gave a warm birthday with a good influence.

The Korea Red Cross Seoul Central Blood Center announced that it had a blood donation relay project to celebrate Busan's 25th birthday (October 13).

The Central Blood Center and Busan Blood Center conducted projects from September 12, last month, and Southern Blood Center from 7th this month to more than 710 fans, and a total of 616 people, excluding ineligible personnel, participated in blood donation.


BTS Jimin fans donated items to the house of blood donation for their birthday last year.

On the debut day of BTS, the company has steadily practiced life-sharing activities through blood donation, such as donating blood donations to the Korea Leukemia Children's Foundation.

Fans also donated more than 2,000 souvenirs to the blood donors.

The Seoul Central Blood Center and Busan Blood Center said, “We thanked Jimin's fans who participated in life sharing and BTS Jimin who led the spread of blood donation culture and sound donation.

"Thank you for the healthy donation of the fans who participated in life sharing," said Kim Sung-geun, president of Seoul Central Blood Institute. "It will be a great comfort and encouragement to patients and families."

In addition, Busan Blood Center said, “Blood donation is the only way to save the lives of patients who need blood transfusions.” “Thank you very much to fans of BTS Jimin who gave warm love to patients through blood donation relay.

I wish I could. ”