Representative Park Ju-seon, “12 Re-entry North Korean Attempts, 64 Asylum Seekers”

2019-10-16 13:11:12

The number of North Korean defectors who have been sentenced to more than one year in the past five years has 139 persons who have been sentenced to more than one year of North Korean defector status for the past five years, or have been arrested as reentrants and disguise as defectors.

Turned out to be.

According to the `` Suspension and Termination of North Korean Defectors, '' which the Ministry of Unification submitted to Parliamentarian Park Ju-sun (Gwangju Dong-gu and Nam-gu) of the National Assembly's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, on the 16th, 64 of the 215 North Korean defectors who were discontinued and terminated,

Twelve North Korean defectors were sentenced to more than a year in prison, and 139 defectors were terminated and suspended.

Some of the 12 reentrants attempted re-entry into Korea, while others were caught trying to re-enter North Korea through third countries.

Camouflaged asylum is a case of hiding refugees from North Korea and applying for refugee status to third countries such as Europe and Canada.For those who are deported or want to resettle, the Ministry of Unification confirms the facts.

Termination was issued.

Park said, “Many North Korean defectors have been suspended or terminated due to their asylum in North Korea, their attempts to reenter North Korea, and criminal acts with a sentence of more than one year.”

It is necessary for the Ministry of Unification to improve social security and prevent social deviations. ”