On the other hand, Lee was drunk at the time ...

2019-10-15 21:31:12

The OCN's original tree drama 'Running Investigator' aired on 10th (director Kim Yong-soo, drama Baek Jung-cheol, production studio Dragon & Daydream Entertainment) does not hesitate to solve the case.

'Bae Hong-tae' (Mini Choi) is a lawyer's father, Jung Tae-sun (Kim Kang-hyun, Kim), who worked for the 16th Division under the operation of a wooden mine land mine.

He meets with (Jung Eun Pyo) and hears that the case has been manipulated by the military, and is asked to find out the facts about it.Investigators including Han Yoon-seo (Lee Yo-won), a human rights committee investigator, initiated an ex officio investigation and visited the scene.

We face difficulties with the uncooperative attitude of military officials who don't want to be revealed,

It faces the platoon leader was called Lee, Jung - Woo (yijonghwa minutes) was easily anticipated that the testimony is false, while yisowi turned out to be true did not seek choebyeongjang was drunk at the time of surgery.

It shocked viewers that it was revealed that he was the one who informed his father's father about manipulation of the case on a public phone.

Lee, who confessed all the truth, shook his head, shed tears of guilt, and walked away with a daunting look.

Deep in thought, he called Choi, who had lost his leg in an accident, tried to commit suicide after apologizing, “I'm sorry”.

Due to the overloading of the platoons, the responsibilities of Jung Il-Byeong, who had been overwhelming his life, were imposed on Captain Choi Doo-sik, a shooter, and he heard that the conflict between Lee So-Wi and Choi Byung-Chan and Choi Byeong-Jung had committed harsh acts on Jung Il-Byeong.

Hong-Tae and Yoon-Seo, who confirmed that the traces of the accident were not caused by mine explosions, but by grenades, judged that the incident was a casualty caused by military brutality pretending to be an explosion of a wooden mine mine.