"Cheonil Electronic Mitsuri" Only a bitter word left ...

2019-10-15 18:11:12

'Cheonil Electronics Mitsuri' shows how Lee Sun-sim (Hye-ri Boon), who became CEO of small and medium-sized business in the end accounting, slumbered and struggled with the staff of Ohjijiol with the help of Yu Jin-wook (Kim Sang-kyung), to reinvigorate the company.

Human Office Drama.

In her desperate words, Ha Eun-woo (Hyun Bong-sik), the sales manager said, “Oh.

I need to know the topic. ”

Lee Sun-sim, who died a lot of grass, sent a letter and three pictures with the words, 'You must join Song'.

Shocked, Lee Jin-sim said, "Sell the stock and release the collateral right away."

Lee Sun-sim said, "It is difficult right now."

Lee Jin-sim said, "Is the company closed or destroyed?"

Hur Jae-ho played the vicious president 'Ki Hong-chan' and the physicist 'Pil Joo-ju' in SBS's' Hot Blood Priest 'and KBS2's National People!'

Unlike the modifier, the film is eye-catching to viewers with a reversal that stimulates their instincts and protects their instincts.