“Cause and Effect of Climate Change” The Korea Energy Agency Seoul Regional Energy Climate Change Center

2019-10-14 03:11:12

Due to climate change, the Korea Climate Change Institute and the Korea Energy Agency's Seoul Regional Energy Climate Change Center are also conducting research on climate change.

Korea Institute for Climate Change researches the causes of climate change and studies countermeasures.

The Korea Energy Agency's Seoul Regional Energy Climate Change Center supports work related to climate change agreements and supports renewable energy supply projects.

Natural causes include sunspot changes, crustal movements, and volcanic eruptions, which are naturally resolved.

However, climate change caused by artificial urbanization and industrialization has an adverse effect.

Climate change is manifested by constant droughts, heat waves, and abnormal temperatures.

There are international agreements aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent disasters caused by global warming due to climate change.

Our country joined the 47th climate change convention in December 1993.

The Paris Climate Change Convention was signed in Paris, France on December 12, 2015 to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, with the goal of keeping the global average temperature rise well below 2 degrees.

Responses and countermeasures are essential.

The response to climate change is a major global damage, and efforts are being made by countries.

Typical climate change measures include carbon emission reduction measures for efforts to reduce greenhouse gases.

Long-term climate change in a given area.

Today, the destruction and pollution of the global environment is the leading cause of climate change.

The biggest problem is the global warming, which is the rise of global temperature.

The flow of air changes and causes global abnormal climate changes (floods, droughts, El Nino, La Niña, etc.), which have a major impact on the global ecosystem.