On the other hand, Lee was a drunk investigator at that time.

2019-10-14 10:31:11

On October 10, the OCN tree drama `` Running Inspector '' does not hesitate to solve the case.

Is requested to find out the fact that the incident has been manipulated by the military and meets with the government's father, Jeong-Pyo Jung, who was a permanent soldier due to the operation of the wooden mines.

'Taser Gun Death' on the 5-6 episode of 'The Running Investigator' heard desperately in despair when the police officer, the true officer of the case he was suspiciously investigating, made an extreme choice in the guilt of his death.

Falling and falling down, creating an empty eye, raising the attraction of the drama, was popular.

The truth was revealed did not seek choebyeongjang.

It shocked viewers that it was revealed that he was the one who informed his father's father about manipulation of the case on a public phone.

Lee, who confessed all the truth, shook his head, shed tears of guilt, and walked away with a daunting look.

Deep in thought, he called Choi, who had lost his leg in an accident, apologized in a heavy voice and said, "I'm sorry," and attempted suicide based on Choi's testimony.

The control overloaded the platoons.

He was responsible for his duty to his captor, Choi Do-sik, and he heard that the so-called conflict was triggered by Choi, and that he had acted harshly on him.

The intriguing and realistic humor balanced the content that could be too heavy.

This is becoming the exclusive patent act of Choi Hoe-hwa, which reduces the burden on viewers.