If you suspect you have rhinitis, the initial symptom management method is actually difficult to find a way to treat rhinitis

2019-10-13 02:11:24

Rhinitis is generally ambiguous because the person with chronic rhinitis has allergic rhinitis or vasomotor rhinitis.

Allergic and chronic rhinitis often worsens during childhood to puberty and then as symptoms reach adulthood.

However, the symptoms do not go away completely, and the symptoms change depending on the disease, immunity, and changes in the environment.

In fact, it's hard to find a way to cure rhinitis.

A common standard for diagnosing rhinitis is to identify inflammatory reactions in the nasal cavity, but because clinical criteria are not clear and practically difficult, rhinitis is usually diagnosed with symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing.

The goal of treatment for chronic rhinitis and allergic rhinitis is to eliminate the symptoms or to ensure that they do not interfere with daily life even if the symptoms remain.

To do so, managing the environment is paramount.

Good foods include pears, potatoes, green yellow vegetables, jujube, and good teas include green tea, green bean tea, and ginger tea.

If you are suffering from rhinitis, you can expect to improve your symptoms by eating helpful foods.