Lee Hee-moon amplifies curiosity on stage with wig and high heels

2019-10-12 14:31:14

Lee Hee-moon previously revealed his life as a voiceman through a documentary broadcasting.

Lee Hee-moon is recognized as a national intangible cultural property 57th Gyeonggi Folk Song.

Lee Hee-moon, who was rumored to be a geek in the Korean traditional music world, attracted attention by listening to melodies composed of short shorts and high-heeled fashion, wearing colorful wigs instead of wearing hanbok and gad.

Lee Hee-moon said, "The personality seems to be a little different. The image is changed and gaining confidence on the stage, so it seems to be a very good item."

"I went to the Madrid performance and the picture appeared on page 1. In front of it, the audience was surprised to see that I almost fell over."

In particular, Lee Hee-moon has become widely known since the formation of the group 'Thingsing' in 2017.

Sing Sing, a member of Lee Hee-moon, was invited to the US public broadcasting company.

The show's video is exploding in popularity on video site YouTube and is still attracting worldwide attention.