Deforenic Korea, a member of the Korea Cyber ​​Security Association, provides various solutions to phishing crimes, including body camping

2019-10-11 22:31:12

The Korea Cyber ​​Security Association (KCSA) notifies the risks of cyber financial crimes, including body phishing and various phishing crimes, and suggests ways to prevent and solve them.

Hyun-Geul Kim, Chairman of the Korea Cyber ​​Security Association, said, “Because body camping is producing a large number of victims, there are many who don't know the seriousness of the crime.”

Each day, the criminal gangs are catching victims with more intelligent techniques and patterns, so special attention is needed. ”  

According to the Korea Cyber ​​Security Association, it is necessary to install antivirus and security programs on smartphones to prevent data hacking due to malicious codes in advance, and enhance security by activating 'blocking unknown app installation' in the smartphone configuration menu.

Should be.

Also beware of chatting with strangers.  

In particular, some youths who lack economic ability have a lot of damages against youths, such as "publicity alba" to attract other victims or take the victim's account and use it as a cannon bank.  

But fearing dissemination can lead to more damage.

Rather than being threatened by a crime party, it's wise to find a security company with the skills to alert the police and block the spread as quickly as possible.  

Currently, Deforensik Korea, a professional body-campus response company, provides video distribution blocking service for 24 hours, monitoring and receiving inquiries.  

Deforensic Korea uses state-of-the-art security technology to make video dissemination inherently impossible and to prevent threats from spreading it to acquaintances on the victim's contact list.

As a result, damages such as extortion of money or money can be prevented.  

Even if the video is being distributed, Deforenic Korea has identified the mobile phone operating system, and whether the distribution channel is a site or SNS, and responds accordingly.

It is preventing the dissemination of videos 24 hours a day and focusing on establishing practical countermeasures.