Ato & O2 birth support, you must move busy to receive various benefits!

2019-10-11 03:31:12

ATO & O2, which is well known as Soi baby cosmetics, prepared a variety of events from 10:00 to midnight on October 10th (Thu).

There are three events in total: 'Ato & O2 Birth Support Fund 10 Million Won', '9900 Won Time Special', and 'First Half Price Discount'.

Ato & O2, which is already preparing a customer-impressive service for mothers, is offering baby creams, baby lotions, baby soothing gels, baby body washes, baby bottle detergents, and baby laundry detergents.

It is gaining great popularity.

At 10 am on 10th, Ato & O2 will be given a gift for 100 first-come-first-served mothers, each with 100,000 won, 10 million won in total, and four kinds of hands-on kits.

How to participate is to add Ato & O2 to KakaoTalk Plus friends and take a maternity notebook to show the personal information and send it to the katok chat window along with Ato & O2 ID.

The photo should be taken with the information specified on the event page.

In addition, after being sold out in Market Curly in three hours, the event was held in Soi Hyun Instagram and sold out in one hour.

This event can be participated in Naver by searching , and we have prepared for both mothers and mothers already.

Prospective mothers can easily prepare for the event so that they can participate if they have a maternal notebook.

The special price of 9900 won is Soi-hyun Wanpantem, which selects only the popular ATO & O2 products and proceeds to the relay special price every two hours starting at 10 o'clock on October 10.

Each product can be purchased on a first-come, first-served basis.

The first half price special event is the first event for parenting moms who couldn't purchase because the price is expensive unlike other infant skin care brands.

You can purchase Ato & O2's Oxygen Baby Skincare line, Oxygen Baby Skincare Line, and Premium Product Spoo Skincare Line, a Belgian hot spring water line.

An ATO & O2 official said, "At this time of expectant mothers and mothers, we are already struggling for the expectant mother's day.