I'm Solo's 22nd Kyungsoo, mentally broken by the aftermath of 'Ssam Wrong Delivery'...even mention of leaving Chungsuk

2024-09-12 04:11:05

Kyung-soo tries to apologize to Jeong-suk, complaining of her emotional pain to the production team, saying, "Please help me, I feel like I'm dying."

Jung-sook shows her disappointment in Kyung-soo's apology by saying, "Why didn't you tell me before the interview yesterday?" She finally mentions her discharge by saying, "I think I should go home." Even.

Due to this incident, Solonara 22nd Street is engulfed in chaos, and the other cast members get into a heated debate, expressing various opinions about Kyung-soo's actions.

The production team raised expectations, saying, “We are curious about what kind of impact Kyung-soo’s ‘Ssam misdelivery’ incident will have.”


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