[2024 Chuseok Special Idol Star Championships] Teaser released for the return of ‘ISAC’, Eyelet → Jebewon Rookies compete in a no-compromise match!

2024-09-12 05:11:05

This year's 'Idol Athletics Championships' will be held in a total of five events, including track and field, archery, futsal, dance sports, and a new event, breaking.

In addition, the audience showed off their support with extraordinary tension, and even the scene of X-Ten shooting in the archery event was revealed, raising curiosity about who the idol star with extraordinary talent in sports will be.

In particular, 'Breaking', a new sport at the '2024 Paris Olympics', made its debut at 'Idol Star Athletics Championships', and the atmosphere of the scene filled with the passionate passion of idol stars is conveyed through the teaser video.

Attention is focused on the energetic scene, from idol stars showing off difficult breaking techniques, to judge Monica showing off exciting reactions, and idol stars in the audience.


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