Gangnam shared kitchen, a place without a hall, a new concept floats

2019-10-08 08:11:11

Gangnam shared kitchen, no hall, new concept

Gangnam shared kitchen is a restaurant without a hall.

In Gangnam shared kitchen, the house is said to be a hall.

Gangnam shared kitchen is a new concept establishment specializing in delivery.

One Budae Jjigae CEO, who appeared on the 3rd of the documentary, said, "If you run a general store, it may be expensive and you may not be able to eat food without it."

He emphasized that "in this case, a shared kitchen company can only provide a place and work with a few percent commission."

Gangnam shared kitchen, which appeared on the 3rd of the documentary, is like a food court.

The difference from a general restaurant is that it is a delivery restaurant.

The name of the shared kitchen is unfamiliar.

There is no need to spend a large amount of money to prepare a kitchen, which makes it an attractive place for small restaurant owners.