Runner Investigator, Han Yoon-seo

2019-10-05 22:31:16

In the broadcast, Bae Hong-tae experienced the limitations and dilemmas of investigators of the Commission.

Bae Hong-tae finds out the innocence of the foreign workers involved in the murder of the murder case and finds the true criminal.

Bae Hong-tae, who insisted that even the reinvestment should relieve the innocence of the sincerity, came to understand the principleist Han Yun-seo (who Lee Won-won) said, 'We must not intervene in the case.'

Han Yun-seo and Bae Hong-tae began to recognize each other's research methods and values.

The two added anticipation to the group's efforts to unite in front of `` Human Rights ''; Bae Hong-tae in the public picture seems to return to the days of the prosecutor who had the disgraced title of `` Non-Human Rights Test. ''

Bae Hong-tae interrogates the suspect with his sharp eyes.

In addition, his enthusiasm with his fellow prosecutors as he walked through the scene of the incident caught his eye.

On the other hand, Bae Hong-tae's urgency expression wearing a slightly different helmet is also interesting.

Bae Hong-tae, who went straight for the resolution of the case, looks forward to what event he desperately tried to solve.

Bae Hong-tae, who attended the trial as an observer, was also captured.

The images of Bae Hong-tae, who is giving a thumbs up to someone in the presidency, are more intriguing, and the images of Han Yun-seo and Bae Hong-tae, who are united in the published photos, are stimulating their curiosity.

Han Yoon-seo, who visits the scene of the incident, wears a 'hawk's eye' and looks around.

The appearance of Bae Hong-tae, who replayed eyewitness statements directly, also caught the eye.

Han Yoon-seo's keen eye to find even a small clue and Bae Hong-tae, a master of the description, reappear the scene with his whole body.

The two investigators are curious to see if they can find clues to solve the conflicting statement.

Please look forward to the performance of Bae Hong-tae faced with. "