Lim Chang-jung's side explains the suspicion of 'scam' for beauty salon memberships

2024-02-24 09:41:03

Singer and actor Lim Chang-jung's side explained the suspicions that her beauty salon membership was 'scammed' and claimed that her image rights were stolen.

Lim Chang-jung's agency, Yes I Am Entertainment, said on the 23rd, "The hair salon in question was opened in 2014 by Lim Chang-jung with full investment to help her hometown friend, Mr. S."

The agency said, "The two had a difference of opinion on the direction of running the beauty salon, and a few months after her opening, Lim Chang-jung handed over the management rights to Ms. S on the condition that her investment be returned and her likeness and name excluded. “He explained.

On the 14th, Lim Chang-jung was embroiled in a controversy over the 'scam' of her beauty salon membership through a post posted on an online local community.


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