‘Actress with great acting skills’ Jeong Ae-yeon expresses her gratitude after finishing the first performance of ‘B-Class’..

2024-02-24 14:41:04

Ae-yeon Jeong posted on her Instagram on the 23rd, "Thank you so much to everyone who came to visit us after successfully performing her first performance of her play 'B Class'."

“She said.

Fans said, “I enjoyed the ‘B Class’ performance.

Jeong Ae-yeon's 'B Class' performances will be held on February 24th, 28th, and March 3rd, 6th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 21st, and 23rd.

Jeong Ae-yeon is expected to meet audiences with the play ‘B Class’ at least twice a week until May.


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