[SBS Fubao and Installment 2] Fooduk’s last greeting, “Instead of saying goodbye, see you again”

2024-04-03 08:41:05

Numerous media outlets and programs have exposed Fu Bao's growing up moments to the point where you can draw them with your eyes closed, but as you watch videos of Fu Bao's birth, growth period, and current appearance, you will see the MCs and Zookeeper Kang. And Sandara Park laughed, expressed regret, and wiped away tears with the steamed puduk sanbao.

There are many pandas living their old age as it has good infrastructure such as a panda specialty hospital, and above all, there is a zookeeper who came to Korea when Fubao was born and helped Ai Bao give birth, so it was a place that felt familiar.

Bifengxia Base, the largest base in Sichuan Province, is also a 'panda breeding center', so there are many panda cubs and pandas the same age as Fu Bao.

In particular, the MCs and Sandara Park expressed a strange sense of closeness when they explained that Fu Bao's parents, Ai Bao and Le Bao, were also born here.

Zookeeper Kang showed a prepared video, saying that Fu Bao was doing well despite being a bit frustrated during the long quarantine period.


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