[Save me!

2024-04-03 09:11:03

Holmes] Sandeul

‘Gwiho River’

In 'Holmes' (directed by Da-hi Jeong, Moon-seop Kim, Jin-kyung Kim / hereinafter 'Holmes'), Sandeul of 'B1A4' and Young K of 'Day6' set out to find properties for sale in hot areas of Seoul.

On this day's broadcast, Chef Michael and his wife, who decided to move to a hot place in Seoul, appear.

Michael says it is very difficult to transport equipment to and from events and festivals in Seoul, and he decided to move to Seoul, near Nanim Hospital, for the sake of his wife, who is planning a second child.

Chef Michael and his wife, who decided to move to a hot spot in Seoul, will be looking for a new home on MBC's 'Save Me' at 10 PM on Thursday the 4th.


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