Jaehee was found not guilty of fraud...

2024-05-22 20:41:04

Jaehee's agency "takes strong action against false facts"

Actor Jae-hee was acquitted in a case in which he was accused of fraud.

Mr. A, who claims to be Jae-hee's former manager, said, "Jae-hee, whom I had built trust for 6 years, borrowed 60 million won and cut off contact with her in February 2023, saying she would open her own acting academy." She accused Jae-hee of fraud. Criminal charges were filed.

In fact, Mr. A was the representative of Jaehee's former agency, and in January 2023, due to a conflict with an investor, she proposed terminating the exclusive contract with Jaehee and other agency actors.

Gangseo Police Station in Seoul did not accept Ms. A's claim, and she concluded that Jae-hee was not guilty of fraud on her part and closed the case with "no charges."


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