'Burning Sun Gate' Seungri and Jung Joon-young, preparing for business and immigration after release from prison...

2024-05-22 22:11:03

Spreading public anger

Seungri (real name Lee Seung-hyun) and Jung Joon-young, key figures in 'Burning Sun Gate' who gang-raped women and distributed illegally filmed videos, are said to be preparing for business and immigration, respectively, after being released from prison, sparking public outrage.

Reporter Kang reported on the broadcast the current status of Seungri and Jung Joon-young in response to the question, 'How are the perpetrators doing after being released from prison?'

He added, "Before he was arrested, Seungri actually wanted to do business more than being a singer. Although his direction was wrong and led to crime, he is still trying to continue his business."

Jung Joon-young was sentenced to five years in prison on charges of gang rape and distribution of illegal footage, and was released on March 19 after serving his sentence.


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